
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the ANURDO Strategic Plan 2022-2026, this incorporates all the required direction that ANURDO’s management and staff will apply moving forward with the implementation and delivery of the services to the Afghan people.

As required for each organization to have a clear understanding on how to reach its long term goals, objectives and vision, the strategic plan helps to focus on both where the organization is heading and at the same time not to lose attention from what principles are required to be followed that ensures our effective engagement is more efficient and productive.

I am glad that this strategic plan well represents and emphasizes on the international principles applied and suggested by the United Nations Agencies. Such rules will help us work in a safe environment and that gender, disabled people, and human rights are well respected. 

The ANUDRO Strategic plan will last for 5 years but will be subject to mid-term review. It will be constantly used to monitor ANDURO’s activities. This strategic plan will be used by ANURO as a building block for the ANURDO efforts in decision making, actions and procedures moving forward and at the same time lay down paths for partnering with the international organization working in the humanitarian protection areas. 

Lastly, I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to ANURO’s staff those have devoted their energies in producing this strategic plan.

Eng. Shafiqullah Wardak

Director, ANURDO

 Executive Summary:

Given the current context of Afghanistan where humanitarian protection is a high priority, changing the situation into better requires long term efforts and close partnership between the actors in order to have a sustainable impact.

Per the country analysis of the international organizations, mainly the United Nations’ Organizations that Afghanistan's financial, banking and health sectors are close to collapse and that 97 percent of the population will face poverty by mid-2022. More than half of the Afghan population needs basic humanitarian protection. The UN has urged the international community for its urgent support.

Compared to the previous decade where the international community had an active presence in Afghanistan, currently the number of organizations working in the humanitarian protection sphere in Afghanistan is limited. At this time, reaching out to people in need and provision of humanitarian support to more than half of the population is challenging and requires joint efforts between the international and national actors.

ANURDO has embedded into its strategic plan and will remain committed to its implementation of the international rules and regulations to be taken into account during aid delivery. The respect to human rights, gender, religion and cultural norms and to coordinate the efforts with the community and local governments.

With this strategic plan we aim to make our efforts meet the international standards for engagement in the humanitarian protection efforts and aid delivery. We also hope that this will lay down the foundations for joint cooperation with the national and international actors.

The strategic plan is for the upcoming 5 years (2022-2026), it may be changed based on the need.


ANURDO is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian organization working in Afghanistan.  ANURDO has been established in 2017 and have completed several projects in Afghanistan. it is led and supervised by a board of 5 members and has a group of experienced core staff.

ANURDO is registered under registration number 4216 with the Ministry of Economy, Afghanistan.

Organizational History:

ANURDO is founded by a team of experienced Afghans under the leadership of expert, who brings over 28 years of experience with national and international NGOs.

The founding team has experience in implementation of Humanitarian, Relief Emergency, Education, Capacity Building, Agriculture and Re-Construction projects in the North, East and Central Regions of Afghanistan.

ANURDO has implemented several projects in Afghanistan since its establishment in 2017. It strived to build capacity for locally directed community development by encouraging the establishment of social structures capable of identifying, evaluating, planning and implementing solutions to perceived concerns.

Management Structure and Governance:

The ANURDO It has the highest authority of the organization to approve and check plans, strategies and long-term policies.

The ANURDO staff is well trained in the need assessments, project design, coordination, and implementation, M&E, Admin & Finance, HR and Reports. Several projects have been successfully implemented during the organization's establishment through Afghanistan. 

ANURDO is committed and will ensure respect to humanitarian principles and principles of transparency, accountability, anti-fraud and anti-corruption inside the organization and where it works. It will monitor a risk exposure and if needed take necessary steps towards its mitigation.

ANURDO has full capacity to enter into partnership with the other organizations involved in the humanitarian support era. It will adjust itself if a better governance model is suggested by a United Nations Agency or any other international agency that has the best international reputation. 

Areas of Engagement:

The ANURDO focuses its engagement in the most needed category of humanitarian aid support. Its efforts are to ease access to basic food items, drinkable water, cash for immediate needs, basic health services and shelter.

With provision of such support, ANURDO aim to reduce the humanitarian crisis in the country and provide protection to the people.

By assisting the vulnerable population to access basic health service, the intent is to save lives and deal with the emergencies  including facilitation of better management of the diseases of children below the age of 5 years, mainly dealing with the malnutrition cases and immunization and thereby decreasing the child mortality rate.

Situational Analysis:

Lives of Millions of Afghans are at stake due to the scarcity and supply of the food and water in Afghanistan. The catastrophic famine is the result of 40 years of war, on-going political conflicts and sanctions, Covid-19. The winter has approached and internally displaced people are struggling with the shelter problems.

The United Nations has flash appealed the international community for urgent humanitarian response needs in September-December, 2021. It has indicated that nearly half of the population 18.4 million needs urgent protection and during the upcoming months it has planned to reach out to 10.8 million vulnerable people. (UNOCHA, September, 2021)

Since the above conference, the situation has further worsened. The UNDP analysis indicates that Afghanistan could face economic losses up to 13% by the middle of 2022. It has translated this 10 -13% GDP decrease to a worst-case scenario that will increase Afghanistan’s poverty rate to 97% in mid-2022. (UNDP, September 2022)

Health care is also on the brinks of collapse. Severe malnutrition and Omicron add up to the health care system crisis. (News, 2021)

ANDURO, as a local NGO that has experience in delivery and management of the aid feels its responsibility to best play its role in reaching out to people by mobilizing funding from the organizations and people inside and outside of the country to procure and distribute basic food items, ease access to drinkable water, provide health services and prepare shelters to the vulnerable Afghan people. it will also advocate for partnering with national and international actors involved in management of the crisis and to have greater impact by working together.

Stakeholders Analysis:

Potential ANURDO stakeholders include the United Nations Agencies the national and international humanitarian organizations involved in humanitarian protection in Afghanistan.

ANURDO will coordinate locally with the government officials to have a smooth aid delivery and provision of humanitarian services including health services to avoid unnecessary interference from the unwanted parties.

Local communities will be consulted in identification and delivering aid to those who need them the most and are the most vulnerable and poor population. 

SWOT Analysis:


  • Strong Leadership
  • Expert staff
  • Teamwork mentality
  • Excellent coordination
  • Pleasant work environment
  • Better understanding of the values and objectives
  • Knowledge of project management
  • Ability to work in all environments
  • Strong respect to humanitarian principles and its application in day-to-day activities
  • Familiarity with the communities
  • Excellent reporting abilities
  • Honest and hardworking staff   


  • Lack of secure database for long term record keeping purposes.
  • Limited availability and use of licensed software.
  • Limited and irregular plans for staff capacity building.
  • Lack of a systematic knowledge management system.


  • Interest of the United Nations, donor countries, INGOs and LNGOs in supporting Afghanistan.
  • Interest of the involved actors to collaboration.
  • Government call for the need of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan and commitment of support.
  • Security situation is improved and thereby coverage and access to all provinces and districts is possible.
  • Qualified staff availability.


  • Security situation in Afghanistan isn’t very stable.
  • Inflation rate is changing rapidly.
  • Humanitarian crisis is worsening.
  • Roads’ blockage due to heavy snowing limits access and transportation.

Long term goals and objectives:

During the upcoming five years, the ANURDO will focus its efforts to achieve the followings:

1- Complete realization of the policies on humanitarian principles.

2- Expansion of coverage of community involvement and humanitarian support.

3- Collaboration and partnerships with the national and international actors involved in humanitarian protection in Afghanistan.

4- Enhancement of organizational capacity building.

5- Standardization of the organizational and project management processes.

Further, the ANURDO will utilize its expertise to expand its coverage to:

6- Map areas of humanitarian support needs and report market trends.

7-Design best possible options to respond to the humanitarian needs considering the community's context and their involvement.

8- Empower communities to respond to humanitarian needs in a sustainable manner through capacity building, identification and implementation of activities that ensure supply of the basic community demands.


ANURDO is looking forward to collaborating with the national and international actors engaged in the humanitarian sphere to maximize the impact, complement each other’s efforts and avoid duplication of the activities and to have a common voice in the advocacy of the community crisis those we jointly serve. For this reason, the ANURDO will use international principles and goals that will facilitate collaboration with UN Agencies and national and international NGOs.

The aim of collaboration is to ease access to assistance swiftly and at a big skill so that it has more cost effectiveness and to strengthen the accountability and transparency in our efforts.

The ANURD’s potential that makes it stand out to partner:

  • Capability: ANURDO is expert in design and successful management of projects.
  • Resource: ANURDO has technical staff in programming, administration, finance, HR, reporting…etc.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: ANURDO gather information, conduct evaluation and analyze information.
  • Advocacy: ANURDO advocate for management of the Afghan humanitarian crisis and provision of humanitarian protection to Afghans.
  • Innovation: ANURDO focuses and emphasizes on using innovative approaches to better deal with the emergencies.
  • Commitment: ANURDO is committed to mutual accountability & transparency and implementation of the anti-fraud & corruption policies.
  • Respecting core humanitarian principles: ANURDO applies policies on human rights, gender, disability inclusion and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse.

We hope that collaboration with other partners will lead to a great impact, increase effectiveness and assist achievement of the strategic goals.

Usage of this strategic plan:

This strategic plan will guide and shape the development and revision of the action plans during the lifetime of this strategic plan. It will also keep the team focused on the principles, goals and objectives of the organization. Moreover, this strategic plan will provide direction on where the organization is heading during the upcoming years and how it will enhance and expand its engagement in the context of Afghanistan. 

The ANURDO will monitor and evaluate its subsequent plans and processes to meet the overarching objectives stated in this strategic plan. The progress on this plan will be reported to the senior management and the ANURDO board regularly. The ANURDO board and management will reflect on and instruct the ANURDO staff on how best this strategic plan can be implemented.